
Personal exhibition „2052“ at the VAA gallery “ACADEMY” | 8/2- 26/2/2022

Photo: Vytas Nomadas

An exhibition for children “Lake full of Stars” at the MO museum | 6/2021 – 11 2021 | Textile created by: Justina Gražytė, Eglė Lekevičiūtė and MO Museum volunteers

Photo: Rytis Šeškaitis

Personal exhibition „Evolution“ at the Panemunė castle, Jurbarkas district | 12/2020 – 9/2021

Photo: (Justas Gulbinovičius, Valerija Semeniuk)

Personal exhibition „TO BE CONTINUED“ at the VAA gallery Artifex | 9/2019

Photo: Vytas Nomadas

Opening of the personal exhibition „TO BE CONTINUED“ at the VAA gallery Artifex | 9/2019

Photo: (Justas Gulbinovičius, Valerija Semeniuk)